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Unwanted Hair   

Never Shave or Wax Again, with Laser Hair Removal in Bangkok at VitalLife!

How many hours do you spend per month shaving, waxing, or tweezing unwanted hair? The answer: too many! VitalLife offers laser hair removal in Bangkok that rids your body of any unwanted hair and saves you from ever having to shave or wax again! Laser hair removal is an easy and painless solution to get the smooth, hair-free skin you have always wanted. No more razor bumps or ingrown hairs after shaving or waxing, and no more time spent removing unwanted hair.


Here at VitalLife, we offer laser hair removal in Bangkok in the following body areas:

  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Stomach
  • Bikini area

Laser hair removal is the perfect solution to stop unwanted hair from growing – forever – for both men and women. VitalLife Scientific Wellness Clinic offers hair removal in Bangkok to get rid of your unwanted hair, once and for all.

VitalLife Bangkok Hair Removal Clinic

VitalLife is a Bangkok hair removal clinic, and we have trained providers ready to help you permanently remove your unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal is a simple and noninvasive medical treatment that stops unwanted hair from ever growing in a treated area again. Hair removal lasers use a concentrated beam of light (a laser) to essentially stop the hair follicles from being able to grow new hair. This laser emits energy in the form of heat that is absorbed by the melanin (or pigment) of the hair. This heat damages the sac (hair follicle) that new hairs grow out of. Once the follicle is damaged, the existing hair will naturally fall out and new hair will be deterred from growing again.

Depending on the location on your body and the kind of hair you naturally have, it can take anywhere from one to several sessions to remove all your unwanted hair. However, for some people, maintenance sessions may be necessary to prevent future hair growth, depending on how well your body reacts to the laser hair removal treatment.

There are very few risks associated with laser hair removal, as it is a very simple and noninvasive procedure. However, some do experience temporary skin irritation at the site of treatment. During the procedure, you might feel some slight discomfort, such as a tingling feeling or a warm pinprick, but it does not last and is not reported to be painful.


If you are ready to throw your razors away for good and cancel your regular wax treatments, laser hair removal in Bangkok might just be what you need. The VitalLife experts are highly experienced in laser hair removal, and we have successfully helped many people just like you get rid of unwanted hair. Ready to get started? Contact us today to set up an initial consultation to learn more about hair removal in Bangkok.

Depending on your overall health and goals, VitalLife offers the following treatments for unwanted hair removal:

Unwanted Hair Treatments

Laser and Light Therapy

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