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Health TreatmentOsteoporosis Screening

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Looking for a Bone Doctor in Bangkok? VitalLife Has the Specialists You Need

One in two women and as many as one in four men will break a bone in their advanced years as a result of osteoporosis, and half of all adults over the age of 50 are at risk of breaking bones due to low bone density. Osteoporosis, a bone disease that makes your bones weak and more likely to break, is much more common than you might think and should be a real concern for people as they age. Even if you are still feeling spry, you have a good chance of developing this damaging bone disease, and it is worth working with the experienced VitalLife bone doctor in Bangkok to prevent it from developing – or worsening if you already have low bone density.


Osteopenia Doctor in Bangkok

Osteopenia refers to the beginning stages of osteoporosis. Having osteopenia means that the density in your bones is not as high as it should be, so your risk of suffering from a break or fracture are elevated and interventions are recommended.  Simply put, at this stage, the mineral content in your bones is deteriorating faster than your body can replenish it. Some people are genetically prone to osteopenia, and later osteoporosis, but aging women are in the highest risk category. Genetic predisposition, hormones, lifestyle and diet can also play a role in how strong or weak your bones are. If you are in a higher risk category for having osteopenia or developing osteoporosis, it is worth working with a trained osteopenia doctor in Bangkok to prevent the disease from worsening and keep your bones healthy.

You can naturally prevent osteopenia from worsening by refraining from excessive alcohol intake and refrain from smoking. You can also support your bone health by eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular weight-bearing exercises, and taking important nutritional supplements, including calcium and vitamin D. The VitalLife bone doctor in Bangkok can help you make lifestyle and diet changes to support your bones and keep them healthy.

Osteoporosis Doctor in Bangkok

As your bones weaken further, you may develop osteoporosis. This means that your bone density is low enough that breakage or fracture is imminent if it has not already happened. A fracture of the wrist or hip may occur during a simple fall or a small fracture of the back may occur without a known incident. About 50% of all people are at risk for developing osteoporosis in their lifetime.

The only sure way to know how dense your bones are is to take a non-invasive and painless  DXA scan. This is a high-caliber, extremely precise type of X-ray that will measure your bone density and give us an idea of how much bone loss you have experienced. We will scan high-risk areas of your body, such as your hips and spine, that will be the most likely to break if your bone density it too low.

If we find that your bone density is too low, our osteoporosis doctor in Bangkok can treat the disease to help you prevent your bones from breaking.


VitalLife Bone Doctor in Bangkok

If you are in a high-risk category for having osteopenia, or even developing osteoporosis, let us work together to make your bones stronger and help prevent dangerous breakages and fractures in the future. Our team has a highly experienced bone doctor in Bangkok, and we can help you reduce the risks of osteoporosis by strengthening your bones through exercise, monitoring, and supplemental diet changes to support bone growth. Click here[1]  to schedule an appointment with a trained osteoporosis doctor in Bangkok and get yourself on the road to better health.

VitalLife offers the following treatments for osteoporosis:
(boxes here with links to solutions)
  • Cell MD
  • Nutriceuticals
  • Hormone screening and Replacement
  • Micronutrient Screening
  • DNA Wellness & Nutrigenomics
  • Age Management
  • Bone Density Screening

Treatment doctors

Dr. Chanathip Yan-ubol
Dermatology, Dermatosurgery, Laser and Aesthetics

Preventive Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine
Lasers & Aesthetics

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Dr. Kanin Tripipitsiriwat

Preventive Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Dr. Nawin Jittat

Family Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Dr. Nacha Harinrak

Preventive Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Pansak Sugkraroek
M.D., FRCOG(T) , Vitallife Senior Ambassador

OB/GYN (Women)
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Dr. Somboon Roongphornchai

OB/GYN (Women)
Anti-Aging Medicine
Family Medicine

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Dr. Wanviput Sanphasitvong
M.D., ABAARM, FAARFM, CNW, Board of Preventive Medicine, Rehab Pilates Instructor

Preventive Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Dr. Wimonchan Wutthikongsombat
M.D., ABAARM, Preventive Medicine, CNW

Preventive Medicine , Lifestyle Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine

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Biological Age Test

Blood Age & DunedinPACE Epigenetic Clock
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