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Beauty TreatmentRegenera Activa AMT

This treatment helps:

The results obtained from the 'Regenera Activa AMT®' procedure can help reduce hair shedding by almost 100% and increase hair density by approximately 80%. Visible improvement can be observed within one month after the treatment, and the effects can last up to 12 months.

Revolutionary Technology to Stop Hair Loss and Thinning Hair, Non-Surgically
  • Genetics is the primary cause of hair thinning and hair loss in men. The hereditary hair loss condition can range from slight receding hairlines to complete baldness on both the sides and the lower back of the head. In women, hereditary hair loss results in hair becoming thinner and wider.
  • Regenera Activa AMT® Treatment is a cutting-edge approach to combat hair loss, using hair follicle regenerative cells therapy. It is highly effective for addressing hair loss and thinning caused by Androgenetic Alopecia.
  • The results obtained from the 'Regenera Activa AMT®' procedure can help reduce hair shedding by almost 100% and increase hair density by approximately 80%. Visible improvement can be observed within one month after the treatment, and the effects can last up to 12 months.
If we examine the statistics of the current problem of hair loss and thinning hair, we will find that there are approximately 35 million men and 21 million women experiencing this issue. Among men, the rate of hair loss is about 40% at the age of 35, and it increases to 70% by the age of 80. As for women, hair loss becomes apparent at around the age of 60, affecting approximately 80% of them. According to data from the American Hair Loss Association, one in four men may experience hair loss or baldness before the age of 21, and this proportion increases with age. Importantly, 95% of male hair loss and thinning hair are attributed to genetic factors.
Understanding the Cause of Hair Loss and Thinning Hair
There are several causes for hair loss and thinning hair, such as: 
  • Hair pulling or plucking, includes actions which result from psychological stress. Some individuals develop a habit of pulling their hair, leading to thinning or patchy hair loss, a condition known as Trichotillomania.
  • Genetic and family history, if there are relatives or family members with hair loss or thinning hair, there is a higher tendency to develop this condition. In men, Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, can start with slight receding hairlines and progress to total baldness on both the sides and the back of the head. In women, Androgenetic Alopecia can lead to hair thinning and widening, not necessarily involving complete hair loss. This type of hair loss typically occurs gradually, often starting in middle age but can sometimes begin during adolescence, especially in males.
  • Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and scalp infections.
  • Side effects from medication and medical treatments, such as cancer, depression, gout, heart disease, and arthritis. Hair loss caused by some medications is often temporary, and hair can regrow once the medication is discontinued.
  • Chronic stress or traumatic events can lead to temporary hair loss.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, protein, and vitamin D, can also contribute to hair loss.
Popular and Effective Treatments for Hair Loss and Thinning Hair
  • Medication
Two types of medications have been proven to treat or prevent hair loss: finasteride (available in tablet form and only with a prescription) and minoxidil (a topical solution available over-the-counter). Treatment with medication may take at least 6 months before showing results.
  • Laser Therapy
Low-level laser therapy can stimulate blood flow in the scalp and promote hair follicle growth. It is a safe treatment option, and a study conducted in 2013 on 41 men aged between 18 - 48 years found a 39% increase in hair growth with laser therapy.
  • Hair Transplant Surgery
 The most popular hair transplant methods are Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves moving hair follicle units from the back and sides of the head to the thinning areas, while FUE involves moving hair follicles without cutting a strip of scalp. Both methods result in small-sized scars.
Hair loss and thinning hair treatment have witnessed remarkable progress in recent times. Alongside various conventional methods, there is one particular treatment that has gained immense popularity due to its non-invasive nature, quick procedure, absence of side effects, and rapid results. It is called 'Regenera Activa AMT®' or hair root cell therapy.
“Regenera Activa AMT ®” 
The treatment using Regenera Activa AMT® or hair root cell therapy represents a novel approach to combat hair loss and thinning, specifically targeting Androgenetic Alopecia. This innovative therapy works by stimulating the hair follicles to promote regrowth and reduce hair thinning caused by the decreasing levels of androgen and the shortening of the telogen phase (the final phase of the hair cycle, where growth stops, and shedding occurs). Notably, the hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) in the area of thinning hair remain undamaged, while the newly increased progenitor cells decrease significantly. As a result, this regenerative process leads to the restoration and rejuvenation of the hair with fully revitalized cells.
The Working Principle of "Regenera Activa AMT®" Autologous Micrografting
Technology® (AMT) is an innovative hair restoration method that utilizes hair root cells through Rigenera Activa Cell Therapy. It involves extracting stem cells or progenitor cells from a person's healthy hair roots, processed using the Rigenera Activa machine, and then injecting them back into areas with thinning hair. These extracted cells have a specific role in promoting the regeneration of strong and healthy hair. In addition to stem cells, there are Growth Factors that contribute to hair growth and Extracellular Matrix, which enhances cell functionality. These combined cells can rejuvenate, regenerate, and repair damaged hair follicles, improving their quality.
The Rigenera Activa device consists of a hexagonal grid with 100 holes, a central channel for hair passage, and 600 small blades, efficiently cutting tissue. The entire procedure is performed in a single surgery and is free from infection risks.
Regenera Activa has received approvals from major health authorities, such as the FDA (United States), CE (Europe), FMA (Japan), and the Thai FDA, for tissue separation.
Results from "Regenera Activa AMT®" Treatment:
  • Nearly 100% success rate in reducing hair loss.
  • Approximately 80% success rate in increasing hair density and thickness (varies depending on the suitability of the individual receiving treatment).
  • Improved hair density, thickness, and growth can be observed within 1 month after treatment and can last up to 12 months*.
*The treatment outcomes may vary among individual patients.
Advantages of "Regenera Activa AMT®":
  • Fast results
  • Safe with no side effects
  • High effectiveness
  • Chemical-free, enzyme-free, and free from contamination
  • Non-surgical procedure with no scars
  • Can be combined with other hair loss treatments such as PRP or hair transplant surgeries
Suitable Candidates for "Regenera Activa AMT®":
  • Individuals with mild to moderate hair thinning
  • Individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning due to genetic or hormonal factors
  • Individuals who have undergone hair transplants but want to strengthen their hair roots
Preparation before undergoing "Regenera Activa AMT®":
  • Avoid foods or medications that may interfere with blood clotting, such as aspirin, Plavix, vitamin E, fish oil, for at least 1 week before the treatment.
  •  Shampoo your hair and scalp before the treatment.
Procedure for "Regenera Activa AMT®":
  • The doctor will select strong hair roots from the back of the scalp.
  • Local anesthesia will be applied, and then the strong hair roots will be extracted using a 2.5 mm punch biopsy tool, creating 3-4 hair micrografts.
  • The wounds will be covered with antiseptic and gauze, and no stitches are required.
  • The extracted strong hair roots will be placed into the Rigenera Activa device to automatically separate hair micrografts (microscopic hair units).
  • The micrografts will be injected into the thinning areas of the scalp at a depth of 0.4 mm and spaced 1 cm apart to cover the entire thinning area.
*The entire procedure takes approximately 1 hour.
Post-Treatment Instructions:
  • You can resume your regular daily activities without any restrictions.
  • Refrain from washing your hair for 24 hours after the treatment.
  • Avoid swimming for a period of 2 weeks.
Efficacy of "Regenera Activa AMT ®":
The effectiveness of the treatment can last up to 12 months after a single session. It is recommended to undergo the treatment again every 6-12 months to maintain its effectiveness and achieve improved results.
*The efficacy of the treatment may vary for each individual, depending on the appropriate selection of recipients and if used in combination with other methods of hair loss treatment.

“VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center" is a leading wellness clinic in Bangkok, Thailand that offers a wide range of services to promote longevity and anti-aging.

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