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8 Secrets to Boost Your "Lady Bits" Confidence
8 Secrets to Boost Your "Lady Bits" Confidence
  • Cleaning your "lady bits" should only be done with regular water and soap. It is forbidden to douche the vagina because this can disturb the pH balance and lead to infection.
  • Regular consumption of ascorbic acid-rich sour foods including oranges and lemons, which are high in vitamin C, can help lower the chance of vaginal infections.
  • Injecting PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) under the clitoris or beside the vaginal wall can help solve the issue of dry "lady bits", as well as difficulty reaching an orgasm.
In addition to having a gorgeous face and body, most women often have anxiety or discomfort when it comes to trouble with their lady bits or female genitals. As women get older, there tend to be more problems with their "lady bits". Certain issues may reduce a woman's self-esteem or even be so severe that it causes a mental breakdown.

Troubles with "Lady bits"
Issue with smelly "lady bits": Vaginal odor may vary from day to day during the menstrual cycle. The cause of the smelly odor is usually sweat, bacterial vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, cervical cancer, or even vaginal cancer.
Issues with loose and saggy "lady bits": In general, the muscles of the vagina are able to stretch and return to their normal shape. However, the firmness of the "lady bits" is looser because the women's body changes with age, decreased estrogen, weight loss or gain, illness, or including childbirth.
Issue with dark "lady bits": Hormonal aging, polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS (this condition increases the production of testosterone) may cause issues with dark "lady bits". Besides this, obesity may also result in the darkening and thickening of the skin, especially in the folds of the skin such as armpits, and genitals. Apart from this, hair removal by waxing and the use of depilatory creams can cause darker skin through chemical burns. Lastly, wearing clothing and underwear that is too tight or with too much friction can also result in a darker color.
Issue with flabby "lady bits": Occurred by aging, lower hormones, and collagens, which caused the skin and the "lady bits" to become flabby.
Issues with dry "lady bits": Often occurred when an individual is aging or entering menopause. Other contributing factors include breastfeeding and estrogen-free oral contraception. Due to the lack of lubricant, vaginal dryness hinders sexual intercourse and may cause discomfort to the female genitalia during sex.
Issue with “lady bits” reaching an orgasm: Caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, dry vagina, emotional condition, stress, or chronic illness.

8 Tips to Boost Your "Ladybits" Confidence
1. Exercise for your "lady bits" health are listed as follows:
Squats: It is useful for toning the pelvic area and tightening the vaginal muscles.
Pelvic stretching: Stretching your pelvic region can help the pelvic floor muscles get stronger. This is one of the best exercises for tightening the vagina and building up the vaginal muscle.
Legs up: It is an exercise for tightening the vagina and working the pelvic floor muscles.
Medicine ball Sit-Ups: It is a vaginal tightening technique that supports abdominal muscles.
Pelvic tilt exercise: It aids pelvic stability and relaxation.

2. Tone your "lady bits" with clenching or Kegel exercise:
            The following are some ways to perform the Kegel exercise or clench the vagina: First, sit comfortably, place your hands on your lap, exhale fully, hold your breath, contract your stomach, and clench your buttocks (Clenching as this would help with the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles). Count from 1 to 10 while clenching. To develop and tighten the pelvic floor muscles, repeat this exercise 50–100 times each day.
The advantages of vagina clenching

  • Aids in preventing urinary incontinence when sneezing or coughing
  • It makes the muscles surrounding the vagina more firm, particularly before and after childbirth
  • Improves muscular contraction during orgasm, which will influence sex
  • Improves the vagina's sensation
  • Prevent cystocele or bladder prolapse
Kegel exercises are safe to do before, during, and after childbirth.
3. Consume foods that are good for your "lady bits", including:
- Probiotics can help maintain the pH balance and the bacteria in the vagina. It also helps prevent infection. According to the Archives of Family Medicine, 150 ml of yogurt daily can prevent vaginitis from fungal and bacterial infections.
- Garlic also has a positive effect on the immune system. This food promotes good bacteria in the vagina with antibacterial and antifungal properties because garlic is a prebiotic food. Therefore, consuming garlic can help maintain a stable vaginal pH level.
- Sour food is also good for your vaginal health. According to Clinical Medicine Research, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin C and ascorbic acid. This source of food can help reduce the risk of vaginal infections if consumed regularly.
-High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are prebiotics needed for gut bacteria as they help the body become stronger
- Cranberries are also a rich food that should be consumed because they help prevent urinary tract infection (UTI) problems in women, as well as fight the growth of bad bacteria.
Other foods that are good for vaginal health include eggs (a good source of vitamin D), fish (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), and broccoli (rich in antioxidants and turmeric with anti-inflammatory properties).
Food that must be avoided includes high sugar and alcohol. High intake of sugar can disturb the balanced pH and the vaginal balance, which increases the risk of infection. Moreover, consuming alcohol can make the body dehydrated, which will also dehydrate the vagina.
4. Maintenance your "lady bits" hygiene
- Wash with regular water and soap; after cleaning, wipe dry to help avoid the genital odor. Despite the items' labels indicating that they are intended for vaginal care, women should never douche with water or an antiseptic. This may throw off the pH balance and increase the risk of infection.
- When using public facilities, refrain from wiping down with water after urinating. Tissue paper works better for drying. When washing the anus, wipe them with tissue paper from front to back to avoid contaminating the genitalia.
- It's essential to change sanitary pads frequently while menstruating. Tampons should be avoided since they can irritate people and infect them.
5. Hair removal for your "lady bits"
-Pubic hair may cause an unpleasant odor and make it appear filthy. In Thailand, 10% of people have had their pubic hair removed, mostly young ladies or teenagers. Pubic hair removal is believed to make it seem attractive, clean, and simple to maintain cleanliness. Although this belongs to the newer generation's trend, it could also be the desire of their loved ones. Since hair is also an obstacle to sex, including oral sex, it is suggested to remove them.
-There are many ways to get rid of pubic hair, including temporary and permanent hair removal techniques. This includes removing the skin's cells (Dermal Papilla), which are responsible for the growth of hair when electrocuted or laser-treated.
6. Control your weight
Exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight are essential to removing smells and stuffiness caused by extra body fat, especially in the inner vaginal region.
7. Safe sex
A new pair of condoms should be used each time you intend to engage in sexual activity to help prevent STDs like HIV, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital warts.
Additionally, you should look over the condom's ingredients. Some manufacturers make spermicides that can destroy the beneficial bacteria in the vagina, which can cause an imbalance in the pH balance and result in irritation and infection.
8. Regular vaginal examination
Women should regularly examine their vaginal health and consult their doctor about it. It is necessary to do an internal examination and to screen for cervical cancer and any issues with the "lady bits." Females should also not be afraid to have checkups because they can identify the problem and offer the appropriate care. It could be an issue with the way your vagina smells, an infection, a darker color, sagging skin, dryness, flabbiness, or even difficulties getting an orgasm. All of these issues might impact a marriage. Consequently, medical professionals will offer guidance and treatments using innovative technology, including:
  • TESLA Former technology stimulates the pelvic floor using electromagnetic waves, helping to tighten your "lady parts." 30 minutes of use of TESLA Former is equivalent to 50,000 times. To more about the TESLA Former program, click here
  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections tighten the "lady bits" by stimulating the nervous system under the clitoris or on the side of the vaginal wall. PRP assists in addressing both the issue of dryness and the challenge of reaching an orgasm.
  • RF (Radio-Frequency) or radio frequency uses the same concept as putting RF on the face to promote the face to be firm and stimulate collagen. This helps in addressing the issue of saggy "lady bits."
  • Q-switched is a laser-based technique that solves dark "lady bits". The same laser is used to lessen the formation of melanin in the face, which makes your face look clearer.
  • VIVEVE is a radio frequency technology that protects the top layer of skin by working with cold temperatures as collagen. The deep penetration of energy stimulates firmer and fuller vaginal tissues. To more about the VIVEVE program, คลิก
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