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5 key "lady bits" issues that women consult with doctors
5 key "lady bits" issues that women consult with doctors
5 key "lady bits" issues that women consult with doctors
  • Your "lady bits" do not turn darker with regular sex. Having sex frequently increases blood flow to the area around your lady bits, improving the color to make it appear more appealing.
  • Sexual desire impacts marriage. Many factors, such as hormonal changes, mental health, stress, and chronic diseases, may be responsible. Currently, PRP injection (also known as a "O-shot") is a medical procedure that treats this problem.
  • The natural treatment for "lady bits" that are loose and cause incontinence is to clench or grind, but this is a complicated method. Applying TESLA Former technology is a quicker alternative to clenching. This 30-minute procedure is as effective as 50,000 kipping sessions, making it a very efficient procedure for women.
In addition to having a gorgeous face and body, most women are most concerned with their lady bits. Many women are too self-conscious and ashamed to visit their doctor about their female genitalia, or "lady parts." Women frequently consult doctors about the following five difficulties about their lady bits. To better understand and make use of the doctor's recommendations, learn about the following conditions.
  1. Issues of dark “lady bits”
The skin around the genitals naturally has more pigment, or melanin, than other skin types, making it darker. Usually, genetics determines the color of your lady parts. The skin tone, nipple color, and lip color all serve as excellent indicators. You can identify the natural color of your lady bits based on these colors of your body parts. Fair-skinned women frequently have lady bits that are pink. On the other side, individuals with darker skin may have a greater likelihood of having darker lady bits. In addition to pigment and genetics, aging is another factor that contributes to the sister's darker color.
Additionally, carrying too much weight, giving birth, and rubbing your thigh skin against your genitalia can all darken your lady bits. In addition, wearing underwear can make your genitals appear darker.
One common myth about darker lady parts is that they are associated with having sex. Your lady bits will not get darker from regular sex. In reality, having frequent sex makes the lady parts area's blood flow improve. This also makes your lady bits' color appear better. However, having sex often and contracting a vaginal infection might make your lady bits appear darker.
Methods to fix your dark “lady bits”
There is a delicate skin on the area around your lady bits. Darker lady bits require special attention to be resolved. One main solution is to apply the exterior of your lady bits with natural ingredients like aloe vera gel, coconut oil, yogurt, and honey (Do not mask the inside). Rinse after about 15 to 30 minutes of masking the outside of your lady bits. This functions as a face mask-like for your lady bits.
In terms of medical solution, employing the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is one way to treat darker lady bits. This is the same laser that is used to lessen the formation of melanin on the skin, which helps to keep your face clear. Melanin in the pigment cells absorbs the laser light, destroying the pigment cells. This does not destroy the surrounding tissues. Therefore, anyone can use this procedure on their lady bits without worries. However, only a medical specialist is permitted to apply this technique to the patient.
Most people who receive laser treatment show improvements after two or more sessions. A physician must evaluate how frequently you should undertake this treatment. This also depends on how each person's lady bits conditions. Darker lady bits might require more attempts to resolve.
  1. Issues of loose and saggy “lady bits”
The skin covering the lady parts is the same to the surrounding skin, body and face. Female hormone levels decline as they age. Collagen production is also lowered and skin sags because of a loss of collagen. Therefore, it is likely that your lady bits will become looser if your face droops.
Methods to fix your loose and saggy “lady bits”
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), which is made of our own platelets, is the major treatment for loose lady bits. The procedure entails separating platelets and blood cells from one another, followed by the injection of PRP back into the part of the body that requires restoration. This includes the lady parts area injection, which will aid in the fuller, firmer development of the skin.
It is also possible to employ RF (Radio-Frequency) to treat saggy lady bits. The same idea applies when using RF to treat the face to help stimulate collagen. This approach will work just as well on your lady bits.
Since some people have significant fat loss. Putting fillers in your lady bits will make the skin firmer and tighter.
  1. Issues of “lady bits” reaching an orgasm
A sexual desire or dysfunction issue might significantly impact a couple's life. Hormonal changes, vaginal dryness, physical appearance, mental health, stress, and even chronic congenital disease caused this issue.
Methods to fix difficulty reaching an orgasm for your “lady bits”
Orgasm also depends on the male or the spouse. It could be necessary to discuss a problem and find the best approach if you want to resolve it. Foreplay can be beneficial occasionally.
However, if the problem is actually the fault of the females rather than the guy. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), also referred to as the "O-shot," may be injected to help restore the responsiveness to sexual encounters. The strengthening of the vaginal walls and upper vagina will stimulate the G Spot in the front vaginal wall. Women will respond to stimulation more readily and enjoy sensations much more quickly.
The procedure for injecting PRP requires an anesthetic to be given 45–60 minutes prior to injection with a very tiny needle to lessen pain.
  1. Issues of dry “lady bits”
The most typical reason for dryness in your lady bits is menopause. Factors including breastfeeding and oral contraceptives may trigger this issue without estrogen, as well as by decreasing hormone levels. Dryness in the vagina can result from vaginal contractions.
Because of the lack of lubricant, you will feel unprepared for sex. The vaginal lubricant or natural lubrication helps in easing the discomfort associated with the intercourse. The sexual cycle's response is largely to blame for this. The quantity of lubricant will change from person to person and from day to day. Depending on how long you take care of it and how your body reacts.
Methods to fix your dry “lady bits”
Many people use synthetic or gel lubricants. Depending on the preferences of each individual, there are many types including water, silicone, mixed, and oil. The water type has the benefit of being simple to clean but may require frequent refilling. The benefit of using silicone is that they can also use it in the bath and does not require frequent refilling. However, some people commonly refuse to use lubricants. Injections using PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) or O-shots are another approach. With this technique, it stimulates the glands that make lubricants by injecting the upper vaginal wall.
  1. Issues of urinary incontinence and flabby “lady bits”
It's not uncommon to experience loose vaginas and urine leaks while coughing and sneezing. Pelvic sagging results from issues like childbirth naturally. Moreover, the growth of the pelvic floor, weight swings, and hormonal shifts cause the vagina to sag. Therefore, the vagina's lining shrinks and dries.
These issues impact daily living including loose vagina and urinary incontinence, as well as coughing and sneezing. Therefore, this problem affects confidence issues and sexual desires.
Methods to fix urinary incontinence and your flabby “lady bits”

Both muscles and mucous membranes can be found in the vagina. Treatment in this situation must address both aspects of the issue naturally and through medical means.
Natural remedies like Kegel exercises or clenching are one approach. This approach has the potential to be incredibly powerful if used carefully. The trick is to count the marbles as a round while imagining that you are picking them up with your vagina. The exercise consists of ten seconds of pelvic floor muscular contraction, ten seconds of normal breathing (do not hold your breath), and ten seconds of relaxation. Patients must do this for about 30 rounds at a time and do it at least 3 times a day for at least 3 months in a row to see the result. For this reason, the consistent effort caused most patients to fail with poor results.
TESLA Former technology can stimulate the pelvic floor as an alternative to clenching as a quick solution for treatment. TESLA Former is an electromagnetic wave in which it transmitted the energy waves deeply into each individual small and large muscle. It stimulated the muscles, contracting and relaxing in a rhythmic manner. This stimulation can be on your thighs, upper arms, and abdomen. Using the machine for 30 minutes is equal to 50,000 repetitions of clenching. Therefore, it is incredibly effective because of this. This approach requires a variable number of sessions for each patient. The treatment should be done 8–10 times constantly, spaced every other day or every day to see results. The session can be repeated three times per month.
If interested in the Tesla Former Program, Click here
"VIVEVE" is a radio waves medical technology that is also used by doctors. This helps in developing vaginal tissue to become firmer and fuller with great improvement. To safeguard the skin, a single-polar radio frequency technology is combined with collagen's cooling capabilities. As a result, it can deeply transmit the energy and produce immediate effects. Following treatment, you can resume your regular daily activities without discomfort or the need for recovery. After six hours and after 10 to 14 days of treatment, you will engage in sexual activity, respectively. The outcome will gradually get better, with the maximum effects appearing in around three months, a year or more.
If interested in VIVEVE Program, Click here
Dr. Thanawan Sirisuk
Aesthetic gynecology specialist
Vitallife Scientific Wellness Center



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