VitalLife Offers Cellulite Removal in Bangkok
Cellulite is a common cosmetic condition that affects 80 to 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men. Cellulite occurs when fat builds up underneath the skin. It is commonly found on your thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and more giving the appearance of an ‘orange peel look’. If you are unhappy with how cellulite has affected your body, VitalLife can help. We offer cellulite removal in Bangkok through several treatments.
Cellulite affects individuals of all body weights and types. You are not alone if you are ready to get rid of or reduce cellulite on your body. If you are looking for Bangkok cellulite removal options, VitalLife is a great option. Our team includes expert dermatologists to help remove and improve the appearance of cellulite.
As common as cellulite is, there are still many myths surrounding the condition. Here are some common misconceptions about cellulite:
Toxins Cause Cellulite
There is no scientific support that a buildup of toxins in your body will cause cellulite. Cellulite happens when fat deposits start to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin. Your connective tissue can weaken over time from lack of exercise, poor circulation, or hormones.
VitalLife offers cellulite treatment in Bangkok through hormone restoration. Hormone restoration can help revive your hormones, which could lessen the appearance of cellulite. Insulin Estrogen and prolactin play a role in the production of cellulite. If your hormones are not optimal, our doctors can recommend a lifestyle change, supplementation, or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to get you back in balance.
Only Out-of-Shape People Get Cellulite
Cellulite can affect all body types, not just people that are out of shape. However, being overweight can cause cellulite to be more noticeable in both men and women.
Your genetics play a role in how noticeable your cellulite is, as well. If your mother or grandmother had cellulite, you are more likely to develop it. But, genetics is only one factor in developing cellulite. Other elements like your diet and exercise can have a major effect on your body and whether the appearance of cellulite is extreme.
In fact, certain foods can help you fight cellulite. Eating a balanced, plant-based diet can help reduce inflammation throughout your body. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight.
Cardio Reduces Overall Jiggle and Appearance of Cellulite
Cardio is a great way to reduce weight gain, but it will not completely diminish the appearance of cellulite. Regular exercise and eating a healthy, balanced diet may help to reduce the overall appearance of cellulite. But it will not completely cure it. Strength training is the most effective, because it boosts circulation and builds muscles. When your muscles are firm and toned, your skin is tighter and cellulite becomes less noticeable.
Cellulite Treatment in Bangkok
If you are struggling with this cosmetic condition, we have expert dermatologists that offer cellulite removal in Bangkok.
VitalLife offers cellulite treatment in Bangkok through hormone restoration. Hormone restoration can help revive your hormones. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin all play a role in the production of cellulite. If your hormones are not optimal, our doctors can recommend a lifestyle change, supplementation, or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to get you back in balance.
VitalLife can help you feel comfortable and beautiful in your skin with our weight management program as well. We believe that weight management is the key to health, longevity, and a positive self-image. Our belief is in building healthy lifestyles, not just quick fixes. We have specialists in nutrition, exercise, hormones, and more who can develop a personalized plan to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight for life. Once you remove your cellulite, you can help keep it from coming back with a healthy lifestyle.
VitalLife offers cellulite removal in Bangkok through the following treatments:
Cellulite Treatments
Radio Wave-Based Skin Tightening Technology (operating at a frequency of 448 kHz)
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Hormone imbalances are often missed with subtle symptoms including poor mood, weight changes, fatigue, thinning hair, and poor sleep but relief is available
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