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Beauty TreatmentINDIBA

This treatment helps:

It effectively enhances blood circulation, leading to improved delivery of nutrients to different tissues, increased tissue moisture, and stimulation of collagen production. Additionally, it can be used alongside other treatments like filler injections, thread lifting, and laser treatments.

Indiba skin tightening technology utilizes radio waves at a frequency of 448 kHz. It effectively enhances blood circulation, leading to improved delivery of nutrients to different tissues, increased tissue moisture, and stimulation of collagen production. Additionally, it can be used alongside other treatments like filler injections, thread lifting, and laser treatments.

  • Research and clinical evaluations have consistently demonstrated positive outcomes with Indiba. These include reductions in cellulite, skin tightening, and body contouring, particularly when the treatment is received regularly.
  • The advantages of the 448 kHz Indiba frequency treatment are evident. It delivers excellent performance and results without any side effects. There is no pain, wounds, or downtime associated with the treatment, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities immediately.


In today's advanced beauty industry, significant advancements have been made in proportional tightening and fat elimination. Various new technologies and innovations have emerged as a result. While some individuals rely on exercise and diet, which necessitate consistency and discipline, others seek shortcuts or professional guidance. Moreover, they explore a range of medical tools and innovations, including weight loss surgery, liposuction, cryosurgery (which employs ultrasound to break down fat cells), and the latest breakthrough in effective fat removal: Indiba treatment utilizing radio frequency. This innovative approach not only aids in fat reduction but also plays a role in skin tightening and the reduction of sagging. Lastly, it promotes deep tissue regeneration, provides a facelift effect, alleviates body pain, and assists in reducing swelling and bruising after surgery.


What is the mechanism behind Indiba's effectiveness?

Indiba operates through the utilization of CRMRF (Capacitive Resistive Monopolar Radiofrequency) technology or radiofrequency therapy. This clinically-approved non-surgical skin tightening method employs the Proionic system to deliver radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of the skin, specifically the dermis layer where collagen fibers are located. By stimulating both superficial and deep cells, Indiba yields three key treatment outcomes:

  • Biostimulation: This non-thermal treatment operates at the cellular level, promoting cell repair, regeneration, and the stimulation of fibroblasts, which are responsible for collagen production.
  • Vascularization: The treatment employs moderate heat to stimulate the circulatory system, resulting in improved oxygen supply to cells, enhanced local blood flow, and overall tissue improvement.
  • Hyperactivation: By utilizing high heat treatment, Indiba stimulates metabolic processes, facilitating the elimination of toxins, boosting cellular metabolism, and promoting collagen production.

These different aspects collectively contribute to the effectiveness and versatility of the Indiba machine.

Moreover, the Indiba machine offers various capabilities that can be categorized into different aspects, including:

Aesthetic Medicine:

  • Speed up the tissue healing process
  • Reduce inflammation and bruises
  • Alleviate pain
  • Decrease subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat
  • Firm sagging skin, slimming, and reducing cellulite
  • Minimize the appearance of scars


Surgery and Plastic Surgery:

  • Minimize scarring
  • Lower the risk of tissue stiffness
  • Aid in post-surgery recoveries, such as after liposuction, eyelid lift, nose surgery, and breast surgery
  • Prevent tissue sticking to silicone implants in breast augmentation
  • Help with waste removal and promote faster wound healing after surgery
  • Reduce pain, swelling, redness, and bruising following surgery


Dermatology (Skin):

  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Addresses stretch marks and loose, sagging skin
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Enhances nutrient delivery and tissue moisture
  • Can be combined with filler injections, thread lifts, and lasers


Hair Treatments (Scalp and Hair Care):

  • Strengthens capillaries
  • Promotes capillary regeneration
  • Improves blood circulation to the scalp and hair roots
  • Enhances oxygen supply
  • Can be combined with PRP injections and hair transplantation

Pain Management and Rehabilitation after Surgery:

  • Indiba can assist in managing pain
  • It aids in the rehabilitation process following surgery

Fat and skin problems that can be treated with Indiba
It has been found that consistent treatment improves Indiba’s effectiveness for fat and skin problems. Studies and clinical evaluations conducted in various medical centers have demonstrated positive results with Indiba high-frequency treatment, especially in treating the following problems:

  • Stretch marks
  • Double chin
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Slimming

Shaping and Slimming with Indiba:
 Indiba proves effective in achieving body shaping and slimming goals. It helps maintain cellular balance, increases internal temperature, and stimulates metabolism. By doing so, it aids in reducing fat and cellulite without causing harm to other cells. The Body Contour Treatment, which utilizes radio frequency at 448 kHz, plays a vital role in this process. This frequency offers excellent therapeutic stability, allowing it to effectively break down fat and inhibit the regeneration of Shiman cells, resulting in a lipolytic or antiadipogenic effect. Importantly, this treatment is non-invasive and does not require recovery time.

Body Contour Treatment offers multiple benefits, including the elimination of excess fat beneath the skin. It promotes the firming of the body, reduces cellulite and the appearance of orange-peel skin, enhances the energy metabolism of cells, improves blood circulation, and stimulates collagen production

Face tightening with Indiba:
Indiba for face tightening involves raising tissue temperature and stimulating cell activity. This process leads to increased synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as improved blood flow. As a result, the tissues are stimulated, oxygen is supplied from within, and regeneration and firmness are promoted. Lastly, it aids in increasing oxygen levels and moisturizing the skin.

Advantages of Indiba High-Frequency Therapy:

  • Effective treatment with successful results.
  • Pain-free procedure.
  • Can be repeated indefinitely over a lifetime.
  • Natural outcomes without any wounds or recovery time.
  • Immediate return to daily activities.
  • Targets specific areas such as the back, hips, abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, inner knees, and double chin.
  • Suitable for use on all body parts.


Limitations of High-Frequency Skin Tightening Technology:

  • Not recommended for individuals with pacemakers or implanted electronic devices.
  • Pregnant women should refrain from undergoing the procedure.
  • Individuals with venous inflammation, specifically thrombophlebitis, should avoid it.


Dr. Chanathip Yan-ubol

Aesthetic skin specialist and anti-aging medicine

VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center

“VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center" is a leading wellness clinic in Bangkok, Thailand that offers a wide range of services to promote longevity and anti-aging.

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