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Postpartum Wellness
Postpartum Wellness
The health and wellness approach is the latest trend in today’s healthcare industry and is currently skyrocketing in popularity. It’s a lifestyle that emphasizes pursuing a healthier living and embracing anti-aging principles to regain one’s youth and restore health. This approach also focuses on achieving a healthy figure, building muscle strength, and above all, leading a lifestyle full of positive energy; we all this the Vitality Lifestyle.

After giving birth, new mothers hope to regain both physical and mental well-being which embraces the above health and wellness concept. However, to achieve that requires professional knowledge and proper postanal care in alignment with established principles.

But first, we need to understand the emotional changes during the postpartum period.
There are considerable changes in hormone levels over the course of pregnancy, as well as how the metabolic system functions in converting food to energy, thus causing changes to the mother’s body shape and appearance, such as the increased amount of body fat. The skin also appears drier and more coarse, and In many cases, acne, melasma, and dark spots can develop. All of these changes occur due to imbalances in hormone levels, which nonetheless allow the pregnancy to continue normally.

Aside from the physical aspect, the mother’s mood and emotions can also change during pregnancy. Contributing factors include changes in hormone levels, a mother’s formative experience and family background, and stresses in everyday life. Despite the presence of mood and emotional changes, close friends and family members do not view such changes as serious problems and continue to exert great effort to fulfill the mother’s wants and needs. They merely hope the pregnancy goes smoothly and look forward to the baby’s arrival.

Eventually, the baby is born, and everyone is overjoyed in celebrating the arrival of a new life. The focus of attention now shifts toward this little baby, where everyone showers the baby with unlimited love and adoration.

           It looks like the mother who gives birth to the baby is almost completely neglected — not really intentionally, but forgotten nonetheless.

This is another reason why, after delivery, we often see many mothers developing a state of depression known as the postpartum blues.

What most people don't know is that there is one hormone that drops after giving birth. That hormone is "progesterone," one of two female sex hormones that helps pregnant women feel more relaxed and relieve stress. This hormone is released Naturally from the ovaries after ovulation has occurred. On the other hand, a large amount of the hormone, progesterone, is produced during pregnancy by the placenta to relax the muscles and keep the uterus from having untimely contractions, thus preventing miscarriage and premature labor. A high level of progesterone makes pregnant women feel more comfortable, keeps stress levels low, and prevents the onset of depressive symptoms.

            However, when the placenta is expelled after childbirth, it results in

a drastic fall of progesterone levels. As such, mothers are more likely to develop symptoms of depression during this particular period, especially those who are sensitive to changing hormone levels before the start of each menstrual period. And if the people around them are not attentive and caring enough, new mothers can be easily be triggered by these changes because they feel more abandoned compared to the time before their baby is born.

It is also important to promote that breast milk production to maintain a sufficient supply for breastfeeding the baby. This helps to stimulate the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland, known as the mothering hormone, enabling mothers to feel more comfortable and keep their mood up. The amount of prolactin hormone secreted by the pituitary is even higher when mothers cradle their babies close to their breast while breastfeeding. This hormone builds a loving bond between mother and child, which can last a lifetime.

Other changes that occur after childbirth
Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is common; however, the adverse effects that come with it cause multiple physical changes in new mothers, such as excess weight gain, increased fat deposits, weakened muscles, and dull skin.

Changes in hormones persist after childbirth but in a different pattern. While mothers are constantly breastfeeding there is no ovulation, so they are menstruation-free. All of the female sex hormone levels are still low, which can result in difficult postpartum weight loss if mothers have not learned appropriate ways to control their weight in combination with proper exercise on a regular basis, as well as limiting dietary intake.

Another problem is that mothers are usually so concerned about their newborns and devote all their attention to giving their babies the best possible care that they forget about taking care of themselves. Consequently, most mothers barely have time to eat properly, which eventually leads to maternal nutritional deficiencies during the postpartum period. Mothers’ concerns have also been known to cause insomnia. As a result, mothers can feel fatigued due to deficiencies in essential nutrients and lack of sleep. Both issues contribute to a significant decrease in the production of multiple key hormones that help with slowing down the aging process, stress relief, and boosting metabolism.

The above hormone deficiencies are caused by a lack of appropriate postpartum self-care. The imbalances in these hormone levels produce a wide range of symptoms and adverse effects on one’s health, including

insomnia, anxiety, waking up tired in the morning, easily exhausted — for some people, these symptoms can develop into a feeling of boredom.

Moreover, poor memory, confusion, and forgetfulness can cause a loss of self-confidence and personality.

Mothers with hormonal imbalances also experience fatigue and become so easily exhausted that they do not want to move around or exercise, resulting in difficulty in weight loss and weak body muscles.

They can also suffer from unwelcome digestive symptoms, such as indigestion, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Skin and hair problems can occur as well. The skin becomes dry, itchy, inflamed, and sensitive. Sometimes there are changes in skin complexion, either darkening or becoming pale. Meanwhile, hair thinning, hair loss, and premature greying due to inadequate nutrient intake can make mothers lose their self-confidence.

Postpartum mothers may have a lower sex drive and experience a decrease in vaginal lubrication, resulting in painful intercourse and an unsatisfying experience. New mothers can thus feel less attracted to engaging in sexual activity with their partners, possibly causing long-term problems in the couple’s relationship.

Following the appropriate wellness practices can improve mothers’ postpartum wellbeing.

Control daily dietary intake and reduce the consumption of sugar and starchy food. Cut down the portion size in each meal, or stop eating when feeling only slightly full. Moreover, eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly helps to optimize food digestion, thus reducing the chances of bloating, indigestion, and constipation. In addition, the body is able to absorb nutrients better, which contributes to the prevention of malnutrition.

Fish and chicken are good protein options because they’re easier to digest, together with fruits and vegetables freshly harvested in season, which offer higher amounts of nutrients and antioxidants. Eat a variety of food from the five main food groups and choose foods that contain natural sugars and a high amount of carbohydrates, particularly for breakfast. Cooking methods are important as well; use recipes that do not require too much cooking oil, such as boiling, stewing, or steaming. Lastly, avoiding sweeteners and salty ingredients is also recommended.

Don’t forget to exercise daily, such as by walking and doing yoga, or workouts that engage body muscles, to stimulate hormone secretion and build muscle strength.

Mothers can also try meditating while their babies are asleep. Meditation can help reduce symptoms of depression, produce essential hormones, and make mothers feel calmer, which are all beneficial when taking care of their babies.

It is recommended that mothers take a nap for half an hour after lunch, together with setting and adhering to a consistent nighttime sleep schedule. The bedroom should be dark and free of electrical signals, which have sleep-disturbing effects. Furthermore, taking a warm bath before bedtime can help relax muscles to get a better sleep.

Listening to your favorite songs and using aromatic oils are good relaxation techniques and serve as mood enhancers as well. The oils help with stress relief and restore balance to the body — either through inhaling or skin massage, which has a very positive effect on the skin.

Consult your doctor if any problem occurs and change daily habits accordingly for better health.

Postpartum symptoms may appear shortly after giving birth or anytime during the postpartum period. Mothers should consult their doctor to receive early treatment and prevent any problems that may be harmful to breastfeeding.

If postpartum mothers experience any of the above symptoms or discomfort, or if changing your lifestyle somehow cannot get your state of health back on track, it is recommended to seek professional advice about health and wellness where you may...

Have a test under our hormone screening program associated with postpartum health and changes in mothers. These changes may indicate the possibility of the hormonal imbalances mentioned earlier in this article. Mothers should receive the test six weeks following delivery. If the results suggest imbalances in hormone levels, the doctor will provide solutions, which can include bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and nutritional supplements, to ensure that mothers receive the right amount of nutrients essential for hormone production according to the needs of the individual.

Have a test under our micronutrient screening program to identify the levels of essential nutrients needed to slow down the aging process. Our nutritionists will then provide advice on how to make alterations to your daily diet, or personalized supplements in order to meet nutrient intake standards. This program is helpful in improving physical health, brain function, and overall skin condition, as well as in promoting the production of anti-aging hormones. Micronutrient screening and personalized natural nutritional supplementation are not only beneficial for postpartum healthcare and skincare for new mothers, but also contribute to boosting nutrient levels in breast milk for your baby.

Be tested for physical fitness, as well as your metabolism, and receive a consultation on how to maintain body weight and shape to proper standards.

Use proper skincare methods by starting from the inside out, with alterations to the balance of hormones and nutrients in combination with using the right skincare routine, especially during the postpartum period, to achieve optimal results.

Postpartum mothers usually have sleep problems, such as trouble falling asleep and middle-of-the-night insomnia. Such problems can cause fatigue during the day. Therefore, mothers who experience sleep problems should seek professional advice to change their sleep habits and improve sleep quality. Both hormone and micronutrient screening programs can help with restoring your health balance for better sleep.

In addition, learning about birth control is recommended. With the right birth control plan in place, there will be no adverse effects on changes in the hormones essential for maintaining good health and a healthy body shape.

Couples need to learn to adjust and handle the potential problems that may occur in their sexual relationship. If problems do arise, mothers need to receive proper treatment and adjust their habits in order for them to live a fulfilling life with their partner and baby, keep their sex life healthy, and to deepen the bond in their overall relationship.
These are all the useful approaches and practices in maternal care that will lead to better postpartum living.

        Living Well in The Postpartum Wellness Way


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