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Beauty TreatmentSelective Brightening X

This treatment helps:

"Selective Brightening X" has been clinically proven to safely and efficiently address a wide range of issues, such as blemishes, wrinkles, redness, acne scars, enlarged pores, and overall skin tone.

Selective Brightening X

  • "Selective Brightening X" has been clinically proven to safely and efficiently address a wide range of issues, such as blemishes, wrinkles, redness, acne scars, enlarged pores, and overall skin tone.
  • The use of Selective Brightening X for treating blemishes and skin pigment issues targets the underlying causes of pigmentation disorders, without causing a rebound effect or recurrent blemishes. It also aids in strengthening the outer layer of the skin, repairing blood vessels, and regenerating skin tissue, resulting in an overall Brighter complexion.
  • In contrast to laser treatments, Selective Brightening X treatment utilizes non-destructive radiofrequency (RF) technology, which is more effective in treating conditions within the epidermal and deeper dermal layers that lasers cannot reach.
Introducing Selective Brightening X
“Selective Brightening X” is an advanced technology designed to effectively address underlying causes of deep skin issues. This cutting-edge innovation, originating from the United States, has undergone extensive research and has been documented in reputable medical journals. Moreover, it holds the esteemed certification from the FDA, recognized as the world's leading regulatory authority, specifically for Selective and Coagulation treatments.

“Selective Brightening X”  utilizes the principles and technology of Micro Needling Radio Repeated Pulse (RP-repeated ultra-short pulse) to emit radio waves, effectively addressing diverse skin issues. By selectively targeting abnormal blood vessels and tissues, it aids in restoring skin health. This innovative treatment generates electromagnetic fields of energy, penetrating the dermis without harming the surrounding tissue. With its precisely calibrated electrodes, it reaches the intended depths with accuracy, yielding optimal results. Extensively clinically tested, it has been proven safe and effective in treating a wide range of issues, including blemishes, wrinkles, redness, acne scars, enlarged pores, and overall skin tone.

“Selective Brightening X offers a versatile range of 8 modes, allowing for customization to address various skin issues and conditions. In comparison to standard RF systems, Selective Brightening X covers a broad depth range, spanning from 0.3 to 4.0 mm. With the use of small needles, it can specifically target the papillary dermis or the upper layer of skin beneath the dermal membrane, which is where fibroblasts and type III collagen are primarily located. This precise depth targeting at 0.3 mm is optimal for effectively treating deep-seated pigmentation.

Selective Brightening X is capable of addressing various skin issues including:
  • Hyperpigmentation, such as melasma and dark spots, caused by skin inflammation.
  • Reducing redness in the skin.
  • Minimizing pore size.
  • Promoting skin rejuvenation and lifting effects.
  • Enhancing circulation to the scalp.
  • Diminishing wrinkles, including those around the eyes and under-eye bags.
  • Treating rosacea dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory skin condition.
  • Reducing the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Effectively treating acne and acne scars.

Skin Rejuvenation with Selective Brightening X
According to research and studies, Selective Brightening X provides a comprehensive approach to addressing various skin conditions, incorporating the following principles:
  • Address the underlying causes of pigment abnormalities, enhancing skin tone and Brightness while preventing melanin deposition in the deeper layers of the skin, thus preventing deep melasma. The treatment effectively addresses blemishes without causing a rebound effect or recurring issues. Additionally, it strengthens the foundational layer of the skin, fortifies the epidermis, repairs blood vessels, and rejuvenates skin tissue. This not only improves skin tone but also enhances overall complexion radiance.
  • Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin through restructuring processes. This results in firmer, lifted skin, reducing sagging, minimizing pore size, and diminishing wrinkles.
  • Enhance skin health and promote increased skin strength.
  • Improve skin tightness, elasticity, and lift.
  • Combat acne by reducing excess oil production.
  • Minimize the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
  • Prevent the formation of future wrinkles associated with aging.

Advantages of undergoing Selective Brightening X treatment:
  • Swift and time-efficient procedure (completed within 15 to 30 minutes).
  • Post-treatment redness disappears quickly (usually within a few hours), allowing for an immediate return to daily activities.
  • Minimal discomfort, and anesthesia is not required when utilizing the skin rejuvenation setting.
  • Immediate visible results following the treatment.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It has a milder impact on the skin compared to many other treatments.
  • Safe for use on all skin types without any concerns.

How does Selective Brightening X impact the skin?
Prior to the treatment, one can observe visible pigmentation and a significant number of blood vessels across different layers of the skin.

During the treatment process, ultra-fine micro-electrodes, with a depth of only 300 microns, are inserted into the skin, resulting in the generation of an electromagnetic field within these layers.

After the treatment, the skin undergoes essential rejuvenation through the emission of micro-frequency waves known as Sr3, utilizing Selective Regional Regeneration RF Technology.

Prior to the treatment, the doctor will assess and determine the appropriate course of action based on the individual's specific skin issues and requirements. Once the criteria are met, an appointment will be scheduled. However, if there is active inflammatory acne (such as acne or herpes) in the intended treatment area on the day of the appointment, it is advised to postpone the treatment until the condition has healed. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications like Advil and Aleve for one week prior to the Selective Brightening X treatment.

The Frequency of Performing Selective Brightening X
The number of treatments for Selective Brightening X varies based on individual skin types and expected results. Generally, it is advised to undergo 5-10 sessions in order to achieve a healthier and more radiant complexion. Notably, many individuals have experienced significant improvements in their skin after just a single treatment of Selective Brightening X.

Potential effects resulting from undergoing Selective Brightening X
Radio frequency (RF) usually produces heat in the skin within the range of 40-60°C, primarily utilized for skin rejuvenation and scar treatment. It effectively addresses concerns such as skin laxity, fine lines, and acne scars. Unlike lasers, RF is not affected by absorption, enabling safe treatment for all skin types.

Selective Brightening X employs Micro Needling technology, resulting in minimal and manageable skin injury. The utilization of micro-needles allows RF energy to be delivered with precision and depth to the desired target areas.

Following Selective Brightening X treatment, no significant adverse effects were identified. Some individuals may experience temporary skin redness, which typically subsides within a short period, approximately 2 hours. The procedure entails a short downtime of around 2-3 hours without scabbing, wounds, swelling, or bruising, allowing for immediate application of makeup.

To optimize the skin rejuvenation process, it is advisable to refrain from engaging in exercise, swimming, and sauna activities for 24 hours after the treatment. Additionally, your doctor may suggest the use of a cream or moisturizer post-procedure.

Limitations of Selective Brightening X
Before undergoing Selective Brightening X treatment, it is essential to consult with your doctor for personalized advice. There are certain circumstances in which the treatment may not be suitable. These include:
  • Presence of sunburn
  • Ongoing fungal or bacterial infections
  • Open wounds accompanied by skin inflammation
  • Active herpes outbreaks
  • Severe cystic acne
  • Immune system disorders
  • Recent use of Accutane within the past six months
  • Scarring that is less than six months old, especially if prone to keloids
  • Recent radiation or chemotherapy treatment within the last six months
  • Vascular or heart disease
  • Chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
  • Abnormal bleeding tendencies

The difference between Selective Brightening X and Laser
Unlike lasers, Selective Brightening X utilizes radiofrequency (RF) to effectively treat the damaged epidermis while ensuring the safety of the skin without causing damage.

In contrast, laser treatment focuses solely on the superficial layers of the epidermis, addressing surface-level skin concerns and not reaching the deeper layers where pigmentation originates. Laser treatments often provide temporary effectiveness, and repeated sessions can potentially exacerbate skin issues, leading to persistent dark spots and pigmentation that may be irreversible. As a result, the utilization of radiofrequency (RF) technology proves more efficient in treating both epidermal and deep dermal conditions that lasers are unable to reach. RF selectively targets and eliminates abnormal skin cells while preserving the surrounding healthy skin, ensuring a more effective and safer approach.

“VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center" is a leading wellness clinic in Bangkok, Thailand that offers a wide range of services to promote longevity and anti-aging.

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