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Your Wellness Specialist

Health Treatments

IV Nutrient Therapy

เราผสมผสานการใช้เทคโนโลยีอันทันสมัยเข้ากับการบำบัดตามแบบแพทย์แผนจีน แผนไทย และแบบอายุรเวท การบำบัดจิตวิญญาณ และการฝึกสมาธิเพื่อให้การล้างพิษครอบคลุมรอบด้านทั้งร่างกายและจิตใจ

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Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is an excellent option for individuals concerned with supporting immune system functioning, detoxification and anti-aging

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Weber Laser

Scientifically based, painless non-drug therapy for overall wellness encompassing immune function, metabolism, hormone balance and chronic disease(s)

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Bladder leakage and woman’s intimate wellness concerns may show relief with Viveve after just one visit as the body responds naturally

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Consider nutraceuticals as a natural approach, in partnership with an expert physician, ensuring safe and effective care for multiple conditions

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Hormone Screening and Replacement

Hormone imbalances are often missed with subtle symptoms including poor mood, weight changes, fatigue, thinning hair, and poor sleep but relief is available

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Weight Loss Medication

There are many options available to help women and men lose weight, perhaps learn more about how weight loss medications provide support under expert monitoring

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Micronutrient Screening

Do we absorb all the specific vitamin and minerals essential for cell growth, repair, energy production, immune function, brain health that we need?

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Food Intolerance

Our expert physicians are like detectives using the most up-to-date tests to determine which foods are producing the negative symptoms being experienced

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Heavy Metal Analysis with Chelation Therapy

Toxins in our environment may accumulate causing brain fog, fatigue, cell damage, and chronic inflammation. However, removal is possible

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Gut Health Analysis Intestinal Profile

Gut health is more important than realized. If the gut lining is not intact or the beneficial bacteria are not in balance, negative symptoms are commonly felt

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Osteoporosis Screening

Weakening of bones can be due to many factors. Read to see if any osteoporosis risks apply, screening and fracture prevention treatments

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting may be a healthy weight management lifestyle for you. Knowledgeable physicians will support what regimen is safe and effective

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